
Project Sheet:
Project name: Active Older Adults@Workplace
Duration: 30 Months
Starting Date: 01.06.2014
Total budget: € 3.024.127
Public contribution: € 1.876.727
Facilitate the preparation activities of the European Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Initiative
The 6GStart prime objective is to facilitate the preparation activities of the European SNS Initiative, which was contractually established in Q4 2021. This work will maintain the European momentum and leadership in 5G achieved through the 5G PPP to the 6G SNS Initiative. When the first phase of projects under the SNS initiative starts (end 2022/early 2023), the inter-project collaboration structures and mechanisms will be established and in place. As such, the action will ensure early implementation of the new SNS institutionalised European partnership and the programmatic organisation across SNS project’s coordination.
The second major 6GStart objective is to orchestrate, capture and promote the achievements of the new 6G SNS initiative and the ongoing 5G PPP by facilitating its activities in the inter-project working groups and maintaining the links to the NetworldEurope community and the 5G IA membership.
During the 6GStart project period, several major actions will be supported and delivered:
- Extracting strategic R&I orientations from the European ICT community.
- Coordination with 5G/6G R&I results/initiatives at EU scale including Member State level initiatives.
- Establishing and maintaining dissemination structures and web presence for the European ICT initiatives.
- Establishing and organising the EUCNC & 6G Summit (EuCNC&6GS) conference in 2023 and 2024.
- Orchestrating and tracking European projects and programmes contribution to emerging standards.
- Facilitating international cooperation across key regions based on promoting European priorities.
- Developing methodologies for collecting metrics data for the SNS JU.
The 6GStart project objectives reflect and support the formal commitments of the SNS JU contractual arrangement, the working structures of the SNS JU Office and the strategic objectives of the 5G IA as they will be the guiding policies of the SNS initiative and, therefore, they are also guiding the high-level ambitions of the 6GStart project.
As part of the strategy of highlighting the European achievements, the 6GStart project will organise the EuCNC&6GS conference in 2023 and 2024 as well as assisting the organisation of the Global 5G/6G events based on the interregional MoU signed by the 5G IA. These events will significantly contribute to the strategic objectives.