
Project to collect individual data, treated and processed technologically, in order to calculate the health risk indicators of each person, providing preventive actions through a follow-up plan.

Project to collect individual data, treated and processed technologically, in order to calculate the health risk indicators of each person, providing preventive actions through a follow-up plan.


The evolution of the overall health & wellness picture allows for the development of more assertive and tailored action plans that support behavioral re-education and follow-up/guidance for laboratory tests and exams relevant to each person’s profile.

The be4you project aims to develop an innovative service platform whose primary target audience is adults (45+ years old), and which will work on active prevention and the promotion of appropriate habits and behaviors, thus lowering the overall health risk of the community members.


To decrease the risk of occurrence of acute clinical episodes, and the inherent reduction of costs associated with healthcare treatment, contributing to the improvement of the health & well-being of each person. Create a be4you health & wellness community based on the positive reinforcement of behaviors and habits that fit each person’s profile.

Monitor and promote the evolution of the community member’s well-being, according to the characteristics of the profile he or she fits into, benefiting from access to services and products provided by community partners. This is an approach in line with the disintermediation trends in the age of digital transformation.

INOV Participation

Implementation of a communication protocol – interaction between the central system and the RAS (Risk-Assessment System); selection and implementation of analytical models, complemented with gamification mechanisms. Apply Machine Learning techniques and combined approaches (Data Analytic and Predictive Modelling) that culminate in a dynamic and proactive service platform with information on risk level. Implementation of an interactive Dashboard-type graphical interface.

Title:BE4YOU: Predictive health & wellness analytics platform

Project Code:LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-046993 and CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-046993

Main Objective: Strengthen research, technological development and innovation

Financing Operational Program: OP Lisboa and OP Centro

Region of intervention:Lisbon and Center

Beneficiary entity:AgileFactor; INOV INESC; Germano de Sousa; EIA; Segursal


Approval date:2021-12-09

Start date:01-12-2021

End date: 30-06-2023

Eligible Cost:247.331,12€ (Total)

Financial support from European UnionFEDER: 707.940,68€ (Total)


Rua Alves Redol, 9

1000-029 Lisboa

Tel. +351 213 100 450

Fax. +351 213 100 445



Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, C

2411-901 Leiria

Tel. +351 244 843 424

Fax. +351 244 843 435



Rua da Boavista (AIDA) | ZI Taboeira - Alagoas

3800-115 Aveiro

Tel. +351 234 302 409

Fax. +351 234 302 499

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