EUNOMIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825171.
User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media
EUNOMIA aims at creating a social media companion in both mobile and desktop versions, which will visualise on the information cascade the information trustworthiness indicators chosen by the user. EUNOMIA will be tested on new forms of decentralised media because of the privacy-first outlook of their communities, their open-source and transparent nature, and the technological challenge that they entail. EUNOMIA’s technologies will be tested in specifically created new instances of Mastodon and Diaspora with users participating in the experimental evaluation.
EUNOMIA actively encourages democratic citizen participation in content verification by allowing voting on content trustworthiness and influencing the reputation of content generators and sharers. It combines information cascade verification with information trustworthiness scoring, benefitting from blockchain technology to ensure transparency of the scoring process and that information has not been modified in a cascade.