Container tracking in harbour operation
The goal of the InLocIdCom project was to develop and demonstrate a system to locate, identify and communicate with containers in harbour operation area, low-cost, autonomous and without the need of GPS.
The final result will be the integration of the system and its public demonstration in Lisbon Port. The Lisbon Port administration and Transinsular (Transportes Marítimos Insulares, S.A.) collaborate on the project as end-users and as business connoisseurs while JCANAO participates as an expert in the information systems for the port environments as well as in ISQ/IST in pertinent specific areas.
INOV Participation
The In-LOC system, developed by INOV, comprises several main components: nodes, tags, communication network and control centre. All the aforementioned components were developed under the project, namely:
- Communication network (with specific requirements for self-organisation and working in mesh)
- Positioning algorithms (complex due to the nature of the environment);
The control centre includes functionalities like: containers location, containers movements, alerts, containers cargo list and sensors (e.g. door sealing).